•參加2017 International Headache Congress 心得分享 •【2017頭痛學會年度學術研討會】將於10/7—8 舉行 •2017 年精準醫療在台灣神經科的新進展將於9/30 舉行
•偏頭痛病生理與顱內外血管之關聯 •【2017頭痛學會年度學術研討會】將於10/7-10/8 舉行 •18th Congress of the International Headache Society •2017 年精準醫療在台灣神經科的新進展
•紅耳症候群 •18th Congress of the International Headache Society
•偏頭痛預防性藥物治療準則之新舊版比較 •2017南區(高屏地區)神經學月會暨頭痛讀書會 (6/24) •18th Congress of the International Headache Society
•從臨床觀點,談急性偏頭痛藥物治療準則的變異 •2017夏季南區頭痛研討會(6/11) •The 2nd ITCN, Pain and Headache Session (5/19) •Acute Migraine Treatment Guidelines Update Symposium (6/14) •18th Congress of the International Headache Society
•SUNCT and SUNA •2017 北區春季頭痛研討會(Headache & Stroke) •18th Congress of the International Headache Society
•愛麗絲夢遊仙境症候群 •2017 北區春季頭痛研討會 •Acute Migraine Treatment Guidelines: Update Symposium (中區、南區) •18th Congress of the International Headache Society
•慢性偏頭痛的肉毒桿菌素治療 •18th Congress of the International Headache Society •Acute Migraine Treatment Guidelines: Update Symposium
•偏頭痛患者睡眠微觀結構的新發現 •IHS Fellowship Award 2017
•偏頭痛性小丑症候群 •國際頭痛學會 Education Committee List of Educational Activities for 2016
•三叉神經痛新的診斷流程和分類 •國際頭痛學會 Education Committee List of Educational Activities for 2016
•2016 頭痛年會 Professor Arne May 演講心得 •教育演講《偏頭痛最新進展》2016 年 11 月 12 ~13 日 •國際頭痛學會 Education Committee List of Educational Activities for 2016